
Maridl Innerhofer

No idea of Südtirol
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
After two years of business school I went to Freising, to the agricultural college in Weihenstephan to work in principal Pickl's office. He met me at my relatives' and then took me to Freising with him. I stood out - as an Italian - in Weihenstephan. They didn't have a clue about anything, about what South Tyrol was like and how we lived there. I was "the Italian" because I came from Italy. They all came to the office to look me over. I had long blond braids and a good luck ring. and they were saying things like: "She's already engaged, but still a child". The good luck ring looked like and engagement ring. They also said: " She actually can write German!" Thank God I was already able to spell German without mistakes, even though I hadn't gone to an underground school. I had only taken lessons in our private library. I liked to read books by authors from Richard Voss to Jakob Christoph Heer, from Rudolf Greinz to Ludwig Ganghofer. I read all the current novels. I quite offended the nuns, who saw these in my schoolbag. It rubbed them the wrong way.